Message From President

Message From President

In the span of more than three decades, Bajaj Chandrapur Polytechnic Chandrapur has been engaged in nurturing minds through rich heritage of academic excellence. We are recognized for the excellence and diversity of our students and faculty, for the caliber and impact of our teaching, and for the reach of our academic networks. Above all, the staffs of our Institution are committed to provide high quality service to the students and it will be our continuing endeavor to ensure that the time you spend with us is valuable. Our learning environment will ensure that you will have a rewarding, stimulating and enjoyable time with us. Our aim is to help you fulfill your highest potential through excellent teaching, guidance and support.”
We believe that Bajaj Chandrapur Polytechnic Chandrapur will contribute positively towards molding a new generation of technical professionals worthy of serving the industry in the emerging scenario and participate in the process of nation building. Now, that you have made up your mind to be a part of this ever growing family, I am sure that you will find this a right place to pursue your career. Wish you the best of luck for your future.